International Fraud Prevention Conference
Fighting Fraud through Technology & Collaboration
A multi-sectoral model to combat fraud
Welcome to International Fraud Prevention Conference – the EU’s fastest growing CyberSec & FinCrime Congress
Message from our Chair, Stephen Rae
More than one year into the global Covid pandemic Cybersecurity and Financial Crime are – like never before – now truly at the top of the agenda for every corporation and CEO. Organisations such as the World Economic Forum and the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) have pointed to the extraordinary increase in cyber attacks and money laundering – all under the cover of the pandemic.
And while the global crisis has accelerated technological adoption it has exposed cyber vulnerabilities, many associated with Working From Home protocols and astonishingly in many cases corporate unpreparedness. The pandemic has also served to further exacerbate tech inequalities within societies and between societies.
IFPC is a collegial platform where experts can a build a network and grow a community that together can address our cyber readiness and our response to financial crime – under one roof, as it were. The importance of such a network has been highlighted by the exponential rise in cyber events and financial crime activity, affecting organisations at all levels. Indeed increasingly the convergence of cybersecurity, fraud per se and financial/economic crime is gathering pace at such a rate that it is now very difficult to say where one discipline begins and the other ends. That is why it is increasingly important that banks, financial institutions, utilities, tech companies and corporations built multi-disciplinary teams working together to fight cyber crime and financial crime. Just like any other strategic societal challenge, cybersecurity and financial cannot be addressed in silos – which sadly still exist in so many entities.
Now is the time elevate cybersecurity and financial crime compliance – together – as a strategic business issues within organisations and develop partnerships between industries, business leaders, regulators and policymakers We hope this is a conversation that can begin at IFPC2021, particularly around the importance of Public Private Partnerships between law enforcement, governing agencies and the private sector. That is certainly the case in fighting money laundering and economic crime. But PPPs also play a role in fighting bad actors in the cyber space. Only two years ago major cyber attacks were big news, rare events even. Today they are everyday occurrences and no longer attract big headlines – but the losses involved are staggering.
The far-reaching cybersecurity breaches of 2020, culminating in the widespread Solarwinds espionage event by a State actor on the United States, were a reminder to decision-makers around the world of the heightened importance of cybersecurity. Society has been conditioned to police actions being a deterrent to crime in the first instance; and where that does not succeed society expects police actions to detect those responsible.
In the cyber crime and fincrime worlds this is no longer the case. Few cases are detected; the money lost is often lost forever; and the bad actors – State and criminal – face few sanctions. What is certainly true is something has to change – and soon. Governments cannot afford for societies to lose faith in the authorities’ ability to take organised crime and money launderers in the cyber space. These are all matters that we will discuss in depth at IFPC2021 as we focus on the use technology, AI, risk based approaches and policing methods to turn the tide.
We will hear from some of the world’s leading law enforcement officials, fincrime experts and policymakers in a collegial forum where policy and actions can be shaped. And what a stellar line up of leading international decision makers we have in store for you:
- Vice President Margaritis Schinas, European Commissioner for Security Union, including Cybersecurity
- John Demers, US Assistant Attorney General
- Claire Loftus, Director of Public Prosecutions, Ireland
- Deirdre Carwood, Global Head of Investigations & Crisis Management, Deloitte
- Stephen Kavanagh, Executive Director of Police Services, Interpol
- Billy Kelleher MEP, Rapporteur on DORA, European Parliament
- Derville Rowland, DG Financial Conduct, Central Bank of Ireland
- Rob Douglas, CEO and Co-Founder, Skopenow
- Rois Ni Thuama PhD, Head of Cyber Governance, Red Sift
- Prof Ciaran Martin, former CEO National Cyber Security Centre, UK; University of Oxford and Strategic Advisor, NATO
- Sir Rob Wainwright, former Head of Europol; Partner, Deloitte Europe
- James Essig, Chief of Detectives, NYPD
Our host for the congress is my co-director, the multi-award winning broadcaster and author Paul Williams, who has the uncanny ability to cut to the core of any issue.
I would also like to thank one of Ireland’s early anti-fraud pioneers, co-director James Treacy of Stubbs Gazette for his drive in helping organise IFPC2021, which is shaping up to be our biggest and best convention to date. On March 11, 2020 we pioneered what was a hybrid event as we hosted two of our speakers virtually – NYPD Chief of Department Terry Monahan from New York City and Cyber Israel’s Karine bin Simhon live from their HQ in Be’er Sheva in the Negev Desert. It also turned out to be the last major live event in Dublin in 2020!
This year we are going fully virtual with our cutting edge conferencing platform that we’ve built for the congress which we will host live from the state-of-the-art Egg Greenscreen Studio in central Dublin. Just as important as the rich content you’ll hear at IFPC2021 are the connections you’ll make. Make sure to reach out to fellow delegates at the conference using the various tools on the event platform.
On behalf of everyone at IFPC2021 we would like to sincerely thank our partners in this year’s event, NICE Actimize, Deloitte, Skopenow and Red Sift – some of the top and most trusted global brands in the FinCrime and Cyber space. Here’s to a great convention and growing a CyberSec and FinCrime community – and good business opportunities. I look forward to welcoming you personally on April 21.
Stephen Rae
IFPC2021 | Cybersecurity & FinCrime

International Fraud Prevention Conference – April 21st 2021 | |
09:00 | Opening Address |
09:15 | Introduction and Welcome Paul Williams MC |
Plenary Session One Public Private Partnerships | |
09:30 | Deirdre Carwood Global Head of Investigations and Crisis Management, Deloitte |
09:35 | Sir Rob Wainwright Senior Partner, Deloitte |
09:50 | Louise Byrne Partner, A&L Goodbody |
10:00 | Pat Lordan Head of the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau |
10:10 | Brian Hayes Executive Committee Member – EBF |
10:20 | Panel Discussion |
11:00 | Break |
Plenary Session Two Digital Payments Fraud | |
11:05 | Keynote Address: “The Permanent Eye of Vigilance – Combating Fraud, Money Laundering and Terrorism Finance” Derville Rowland, Director General Financial Conduct, Central Bank of Ireland |
11:25 | John Buzzard Subject Matter Expert, Fraud | Nice Actimize |
11:45 | Jon Malone General Manager AML, Fraud and Identity, Equifax |
11:55 | Panel Discussion Moderated by Adrian Weckler. With John Buzzard, Jon Malone, Mike Murnane (VP, Program Owner of Fraud and Security products at Mastercard) and Federica Taccogna (Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting) |
12:15 | Lunch Break |
Plenary Session Three Fighting FinCrime | |
13:00 | Welcome Back Paul Williams MC |
13:05 | Keynote Address Claire Loftus, Director of Public Prosecutions Ireland |
13:20 | “How Organised FinCrime Fighters can Tackle Organised Financial Crime” James Treacy, Publisher of StubbsGazette and Co-Founder AML Intelligence |
13:30 | “Using Technology to Fight Fraud at Scale” Rob Douglas, CEO and Co-founder Skopenow |
13:40 | “Financial Privacy and the Fight Against Financial Crime” John Cusack, Chairperson, Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime |
13:50 | “Why Are We Losing the Battle Against Financial Crime?” Federica Taccogna, Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting |
14:00 | Panel Discussion Moderated by Paul Williams |
14:15 | Break |
Plenary Session Four Cyber Resilience | |
14:20 | Welcome Back Stephen Rae, Chair, IFPC2021 |
14:20 | Keynote Address Margaritis Schinas, Vice President European Commission |
14:40 | Billy Kelleher MEP, Rapporteur on DORA, European Parliament Q&A with Stephen Rae |
15:00 | Break |
15:05 | Keynote Address: “New Threats, New Thinking” Stephen Kavanagh, Executive Director of Police Services at INTERPOL Q&A with Paul Williams |
15:30 | DORA: Bigger, better, faster, stronger Rois Ni Thuama PhD, Head of Cyber Governance, Red Sift |
15:40 | Prof. Ciaran Martin ex CEO, National Cyber Security Centre, UK; Strategic Advisor, NATO |
15:50 | Det. Chief Paul Cleary Commander, Cyber Crime Bureau, AGS Ireland |
16:10 | Panel Discussion Moderated by Jackie King, Executive Director, IBEC. With John Randles (CEO, Siren), Ciaran Martin, Rois Ni Thuama, Donna O’Shea (Chair of Cyber Security, CIT) and Paul Cleary |
16:30 | Keynote Address US Assistant Attorney General for National Security, John Demers |
16:40 | Q&A AAG John Demers with IFPC2021 Chair Stephen Rae |
17:00 | Closing Address James Essig, Chief of Detectives, NYPD |
17:15 | Closing Remarks |
At the conference, our delegates will learn about:
- Tackling financial crime with technology
- What to do in the event of a cyber attack
- The importance of an incident response plan
- The next wave of financial crime
- Law enforcement and whether it’s fit for purpose
- Consistent reputation management stress testing

Chief of Detectives, NYPD

US Assistant Attorney General

Vice President, European Commission

Director of Public Prosecutions, Ireland

Senior Partner, North South Europe, Deloitte

Global Head of Investigations and Crisis Management

Rapporteur on DORA, European Parliament

Director General, Central Bank of Ireland

Executive Director Police Services, INTERPOL

Partner, A&L Goodbody Litigation and Dispute Resolution

Senior Managing Director, FTI Consulting

ex CEO, National Cyber Security Centre, UK; Strategic Advisor, NATO

Executive Committee, European Banking Federation / CEO, BPFI

Head of the Garda National Economic Crime Bureau

Program Owner for Fraud and Security Products, Mastercard

CEO and Co-founder at Skopenow

Head of Cyber Governance, Red Sift Limited

Detective Chief Superintendent, An Garda Síochána

Subject Matter Expert, Fraud | NICE Actimize

Executive Director, International Business, IBEC

CEO, Siren

Chair of Cyber Security, Cork Institute of Technology

Chairperson, Global Coalition to Fight Financial Crime

General Manager AML, Fraud and Identity, Equifax

Technology Editor, Irish Independent, Sunday Independent

Author, Broadcaster, Investigative Journalist

Publisher of StubbsGazette and Co-Founder AML Intelligence
Become a Sponsor or Exhibitor
The 2nd International Fraud Prevention Conference will attract professionals from around the world involved in identifying, detecting and preventing corporate fraud. This event offers you the opportunity to connect with decision makers and influencers in the anti-fraud world. There are a variety of exhibition and sponsorship options to achieve your sales and marketing goals.
Benefits of Sponsoring
- Showcase Your Brand to 500+ Key Industry Professionals
- Raise Your Brand Profile and Awareness
- Be Seen as the Leading company in your sector
- Increase Your Business in this sector
- Align yourself with key business leaders
- Brand exposure through Media Partners
- Benefit with the market reach of all our visitors and the wider business community
Who Attends
500+ C-suite executives across banking, insurance, government services, technology, utilities and law enforcement. These attendees represent a diverse group of fraud prevention, detection and investigation roles.
Reserve Exhibit Space Today
For information on sponsoring or exhibiting, please email or call +353 1 672 5939.

Full Exhibitor List To Be Announced
Testimonials 2020
I’d like to congratulate the organisers of IFPC. This is a great forum to discuss Cybersecurity and FinCrime and well done to your chairman Stephen and all involved.”
Paschal Donohoe, President Eurogroup; Minister for Finance, Ireland
“We need to continue to emphasise to all that are involved in our economy, the responsibility they have to secure their networks, devices and information and to drive research and development in cybersecurity.”
“In the meetings that we have each month at European Union level where Ministers for Finance of the EU come together to review our economy, these kinds of issues are increasingly part of the kind of discussions we have. How we can protect the infrastructure of our State and how we can protect the infrastructure of a developed economy. We have to protect against the risk of fraud and the risk of actors who would seek to influence our economies in a malign way.
I am delighted to be here to speak at IFPC. It is at events like IFPC that we can discuss the big issues of the day. I really welcome the focus of this conference, we do need to fix the future, but we also have to fix the now.”
Ciaran Martin, CEO, National Cyber Security Centre, UK; Strategic Advisor to NATO
“Cyber crime in many ways is very similar to traditional forms of crime, but there is one major distinction. It is possible for the first time in human history to inflict long-term sustained criminal damage to a jurisdiction without ever setting foot in it, and that’s highly problematic.”
“We need to make their (criminals) jobs harder, returns lower and their lives miserable and incomplete, and we can do that by doing basic steps.
Thank you so much for the invitation to be with you at IFPC and am so glad to be here to discuss fraud and economic crime.”
Commander Karen Baxter, National Co-Ordinator for Economic Crime, UK Police Chiefs
“Fraud is a whole system issue, and needs a whole system response. The world is changing, cyber is in everything that we do… I can’t think of a crime that isn’t online or doesn’t have money flows.”
“At the moment, we have 3.8 Million frauds reported in the UK – if we don’t do something radical to amend that, it’s expected that at the current rate of growth that we will have 5 Million frauds by 2025… If we don’t get a grip of it, our economic systems will be riddled with criminality.
What a pleasure and honour to be here at the IFPC convention. It’s important that we all talk to each other about fraud and cyber. This is something that has to be done on an international basis. This has to be done in both the public and private sectors, which is really important.
Terry Monahan, Chief of Department, NYPD
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